With Irene Rogan and Di McGhee
Tuesday 24 August 2021, 1-3 pm
Meet at Haverigg beach parking, opposite Sea View Beach cafe, Haverigg, LA 18 4ES.
A quadrat is a frame, traditionally square, used in ecology and geography to isolate a standard unit of area for study. Participate in an art event with Di McGhee and Irene Rogan - choose a small dune and make it your own for an hour or two.
Use your quadrat to select your own area of dune to explore and investigate. Record your findings using drawings and written research. Your research will be a unique creative record of the flora and fauna within a specific area of the dunes. The written research may be combined to create a poetic phrase or a sound performance as part of Restoration Remix performance in the dunes on 30th August.
Meeting place for event is opposite the beach cafe.
About ‘Unpublished Tour’
'Unpublished Tour' is an Arts Council National Lottery Grant funded project in partnership with Cumbria Wildlife Trust and Dynamic Dunescapes, a programme of cultural events organised and commissioned by Millom-based artist, Irene Rogan, and focused on the landscapes and places around the Duddon Estuary. Today’s walk is one of a series of events taking place between August and October.
More information about Irene Rogan’s work, see: irenerogan.co.uk
More information about Di McGhee’s work, see: www.dimcghee.com
Dynamic Dunescapes is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and the EU LIFE Programme. The project is a partnership between Natural England, Plantlife, National Trust, Natural Resources Wales and the Wildlife Trusts.
For more information see: dynamicdunescapes.co.uk/project/cumbrian-coast/
Give us your feedback on today’s event
Feedback postcard handed out to event participants (Illustration © Ran Greiss | Dreamstime.com)
In Certain Places of the University of Central Lancashire is undertaking a study and evaluation of Millom-based artist Irene Rogan’s ‘Unpublished Tour’.
We would appreciate any feedback on your experience today. Please use the postcard that you will be given at the event today (pictured above) to share your thoughts on any aspects of the guided tour, which might include:
the value of the dunes as a cultural and natural asset
their importance to your understanding and appreciation of the landscapes and environment of this region
the role of the arts, artists and cultural events in developing senses of place